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Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.
This blog is for the "B.F.A.B." dancer; the dancer BORN FROM A BOOMBOX. The dancers who move to the beat of their own heart at best their ability. The dancers whose bodies can't help themselves from reacting to the music. From the crypt to the moon walkers, from ballet to street. We invite dancers of all ages and level's. Moderate, beginners, intermediate, experts, and the ones beyond our imagination. Join in, blog, comment, post and share your opinion's about the beautiful art which we call dance! Photo compliments of Culture Shock San Diego, Graffiti Life, 2009. photo credit: Chris Keeney Photography

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Did Britney get a double for Hold it Against me?

Yeah, we're going to call bull shit on this!

Multiple sources close to production of Britney Spears' music video for her new single, Hold It Against Me, are claiming that the pop star was unable to keep up with the fast-paced dance routine, and director Jonas Akerlund ultimately got so upset that he asked her dance-double, Allison Kyler, to step in - leaving Brit Brit in tears!

However, a rep for the singer claims:

"The accusations could not be further from the truth. Britney worked extremely hard on this video and rehearsed for six weeks prior to shooting. Fans will immediately see how inaccurate these claims are once they see the video."

And Akerlund himself asserts:

"[Britney's] been great throughout the entire process. At the end of the shoot I got the warmest hug I ever got from an artist, and I look forward to hugging her again very soon! I've been around long enough to know when an artist gives it their all, and to me It doesn't get better than this. This video is gonna be fucking awsome. It's all Britney."


Right now, we tend to think that these 'sources' are just hating, but we suppose we won't find out until the video premieres!

People just can't handle our gurl's greatness! Such a shame!

What do U think?? Did Brit Brit need a double or is she going to kill it all on her own??

-Tania Milberg via I phone


  1. I hope she can pull this one off! I love the song, I hope I feel the same way about the music vid

  2. I think she will kill it?! duh its Britney BITCH!

  3. As long as she cut down on the Krispie Creams. she should be fine!
