Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.

Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.
This blog is for the "B.F.A.B." dancer; the dancer BORN FROM A BOOMBOX. The dancers who move to the beat of their own heart at best their ability. The dancers whose bodies can't help themselves from reacting to the music. From the crypt to the moon walkers, from ballet to street. We invite dancers of all ages and level's. Moderate, beginners, intermediate, experts, and the ones beyond our imagination. Join in, blog, comment, post and share your opinion's about the beautiful art which we call dance! Photo compliments of Culture Shock San Diego, Graffiti Life, 2009. photo credit: Chris Keeney Photography

Friday, January 14, 2011


Is it just me or is the term "Go Go Dancer" played out. To me it carry's an old school jute box, dancing on a pole ring to it wouldn't you say?! I mean come on, the title sounds so 1960's, as it was originally given to entertainers of that time who were employed to entertain crowds at a discotheque. That's DISCO-TECH, if it appeared nearly as confusing to you as it did me.

I think it's time we give the profession a more hip and sexy title, considering club dancer's are still highly respected in the industry as long as they stick to not showing the canned goods. It's time we gave the profession a new name, after all it's obvious we are no longer dancing in peppermint lounge's doing "the twist".

And common on lets face it, Go Go dancers most certainly don't wear Go Go BOOTS anymore. Those clunky platform Austin Powered 70's themed stilts are fashion and dance suicide for any professional dancer. Personally I still can''t figure out how that moon boot became a dancers hot commodity gear at one point in history. I say, gone with the Go Go Boots, and gone with the Go Go!

According to Webster's Dictionary, what I found most interesting other than than the fact that according to Webster "Go Go Dancer" means "Dancer of the Devil" is the fact that I was even capable of finding the term "Go Go Dancer" in the Webster's Dictionary. Hmm "Dancer of the Devil"? Now that's a hell of a title!

OK where was I? Oh yes, a new title! Well according to Webster and other sources the term 'go go dancer' refer's to a night club dancer of abundance, galore. Go-Go derives from the phrase "go-go-go" for a high-energy person, which in turn is derived from the ancient French word la gogue for "joy, happiness"

And if history proves me right, reinvention is the culture of dance. In fact here are few of the dancing professions who's title's have slightly changed over the years: The "Street Dancer" is now called none other than the " Break Dancer". The "Moonwalker" is now formally known as the "Electric Slider". And a "Two Stepper" is now called a "Crypt Walker" I mean hey, even strippers got new more appropriate titles specific to what their tasks entail; either "Nude Dancer" or "Top Less Dancers".

So after some serious brainstorming here are the following titles I believe are best as the new name for a "Go Go Dancer" :

1) night club dancer
2) booty dancer
3) joy dancer
4) coyote dancer ( that one was inspired by Coyote Ugly the movie)
5) body dancer
7) step dancer
8) performance dancer
9) hey even "cage" dancer is fine by me! Anything but GO GO pleeeeaaaazzzee!



  1. I like "booty dancer"!!

  2. Your so right! Go Go dancer sounds so old lady like!

  3. how about " apple bottoms" dancer. Hello, I'm a " apple bottoms dancer"
