Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.

Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.
This blog is for the "B.F.A.B." dancer; the dancer BORN FROM A BOOMBOX. The dancers who move to the beat of their own heart at best their ability. The dancers whose bodies can't help themselves from reacting to the music. From the crypt to the moon walkers, from ballet to street. We invite dancers of all ages and level's. Moderate, beginners, intermediate, experts, and the ones beyond our imagination. Join in, blog, comment, post and share your opinion's about the beautiful art which we call dance! Photo compliments of Culture Shock San Diego, Graffiti Life, 2009. photo credit: Chris Keeney Photography

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kim Kardashian's 'Jam', Turn it up or Leave the Dance Floor?

Kim K steped out of her comfort zone today. The mutli-million dollar reality star released her new single "Jam", on the Ryan Seacrest show leaving Kardashian and all around Pop culture fans in a craze, or state of confusion. Although the song was titled “Jam”, many could mistake for spam.

Personally we thought the songs slow un-tempo beat was just an opening credit, but when it got to the chorus the slow Un-Danceble beat never picked up: "Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, Deee-jaaaaay." Ever since House Wives of New Yorks LuAnn de Lesseps single "Money can't buy your class" did I see a reality stars dignity crash and burn so fast. Maybe these women should stay away from the recording studio and spend more time in the reality studio of their pretentious lives among places like barbados.

Ryan Secrest debuted the song afterwards stating “I think it's “fun””. Hmm ya maybe in a coma? In the interview Kim speaks about an upcoming tour. Ummm ya your kidding me right? Because Kim the last time you were on stage you were instantly given the boot by one of music's greatest dance legends 'Prince' after not dancing when he pulled you up on stage; “Get off me stage if your not dancing!"

The first voted off from Dancing with the Stars, and the first Voted of the music air waves. Kim we love ya, but we don't think we will be turning up your 'Jam' in the club anytime soon. So dancer's what do you think of Kim K's new 'jam'? Turn it up or Leave the Dance Floor?