Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.

Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.
This blog is for the "B.F.A.B." dancer; the dancer BORN FROM A BOOMBOX. The dancers who move to the beat of their own heart at best their ability. The dancers whose bodies can't help themselves from reacting to the music. From the crypt to the moon walkers, from ballet to street. We invite dancers of all ages and level's. Moderate, beginners, intermediate, experts, and the ones beyond our imagination. Join in, blog, comment, post and share your opinion's about the beautiful art which we call dance! Photo compliments of Culture Shock San Diego, Graffiti Life, 2009. photo credit: Chris Keeney Photography

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Words from the creator, Tania Milberg

" Lets face it, dancing makes our body do things we never imagined were possible. And unless you are like me, the only dancing be done the most part is in clubs and at a local pub to the beat of a jute box. Even then we real dancer still yearn to dance, much more.

I created this blog for the "B.F.A.B." dancer; the dancer BORN FROM A BOOMBOX. The dancers that dance to the beat of their own drum. The dancers who crypt walk down the isle at the gocerey store. The dancers that go all night in the comfort of their own home in front of the mirror to the beat of whats on their ipod, even when the music is off. We invite dancers of all ages and level's. From moderate, beginners, intermediate, experts, and the ones beyond our imagination.

I invite all kinds of music & dance suggestions. Suggestions is KEY to the success for this site. It's made for you, and to be ultimately powered and shaped by you with the help of your questions, comments, and suggestions, and new dance moves!

Yours truly,

(Tania Milberg, Founder)"

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking to join a dance team in San Diego. Any suggestions for some one who is 101 level?
