Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.

Advertisements & Editorial mentions based in the Southern California area.
This blog is for the "B.F.A.B." dancer; the dancer BORN FROM A BOOMBOX. The dancers who move to the beat of their own heart at best their ability. The dancers whose bodies can't help themselves from reacting to the music. From the crypt to the moon walkers, from ballet to street. We invite dancers of all ages and level's. Moderate, beginners, intermediate, experts, and the ones beyond our imagination. Join in, blog, comment, post and share your opinion's about the beautiful art which we call dance! Photo compliments of Culture Shock San Diego, Graffiti Life, 2009. photo credit: Chris Keeney Photography

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Paula Abdul’s "Live to Dance" is already Dead

Paula Abdul’s show, “Live to Dance”, has been cancelled. Can you believe it? Paula is said to be “devastated.” I heard that the ratings weren’t that good, but I never thought it would get cancelled.

I’m so sorry for Paula Abdul, because I know she really wanted this to happen. I mean the woman is a dancer herself, and she probably wanted the creators of American Idol to cringe when she made it to the top spot. Let’s be honest. I saw the show a few times and just wasn’t impressed. It was just lacking something, but I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t think this will break Paula.

She will move on to other things; just not American Idol. We shall see. She has been in the business for sometime now, and will be on a television show before you know it. For now, all of us that need our Paula Abdul fix will just have to wait until the right opportunity presents itself to her.

Do we even need another dance competition anyway? I seriously doubt it. Maybe this was just bad timing. I think if there is one thing she would be really good at, it would be judging a dance competition. The show did run it’s full season so she did get to complete it.

At least she was not cancelled mid-season thank God. I think Paula is not done yet, we will get to see her soon. Just you wait!


  1. I knew that show wouldn't last!! It was definitely missing that certain something :(

  2. it's all about ABDC!!!!
